Pixel Art

Pixel art cover

You will find there some of my work related to pixel art or any 2D bitmap done with softwares for pixel pushers such as Deluxe Paint, Brilliance or Pro Motion.

2D bitmap softwares are used for drawing in indexed colour mode, palette is up to 256 colours for the most of the time.

Pichu is a demomaker
320×240 | 16 colours
Pixel art by moxica

Yeti loves 4-bit gfx
320×240 | 16 colours
Pixel art by moxica

320×200 | 16 colours
Pixel art by moxica

320×200 | 16 colours

Pixel art by moxica

320×240 | 16 colours

Pixel art by moxica

Game Over (team up with Frederic ‘Profil’ Box)
320×200 | 16 colours

Pixel art by moxica

With a bit more colours

Doogy vs the world
640×512 | 64 colours

Pixel art by moxica

640×512 | 128 colours
Pixel art by moxica

640×512 | 64 colours

Pixel art by moxica

Land of Tunhuang 2
640×480 | 128 colours

Pixel art by moxica


Tribute to Giger

Pixel art by moxica


Pixel art by moxica